
Located just over 2km from Argostoli, Katavothres bathes in immense natural beauty right on the waterfront. Weddings take place on the panoramic jetty and can be conducted on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

(*) = The official civil wedding takes place at the local Town Hall

The wedding package includes:

  • Walk down to the Jetty for the Symbolic Ceremony
  • Photographs
  • Drinks & canapĂ©s on the Jetty
  • Reception at Katavothres Taverna
  • Greek bouzouki and/or DJ (venue closes at 7pm)

To be pre-paid in the UK

  • Wedding planning & administration fee (including assistance of overseas wedding co-ordinator in resort, pre-wedding & on wedding day)
  • Legalisation by FCDO of all documents you need to obtain plus translation fee
  • Wedding venue hire & set up fee for wedding reception (when applicable)
  • Registrar’s fee
  • Wedding certificate

Katavothres Photo Gallery

Types of Weddings available

Civil Wedding
Anglican Wedding
Catholic Wedding
Religious Blessing
Same Sex Wedding
Renewal of Vows/Blessing
Same Sex Symbolic Ceremony

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Please click on the icon below to download our e-Brochure for Katavothres

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Get in touch today

Complete the form below to have one of our team contact you regarding the preparations for your special day.